About us

Herencia Guadalupana

About us

“I am the Mother of God’s only Son. I am the Mother of all.”

~Virgen de Guadalupe at Tepeyac 1531

Historically, the virgin appeared in 1531 to San Juan Diego and brought hope to the indigenous people of Mexico. She brought a spirituality that rooted in the love of God we should be inclusive and strive for justice, embrace dignity, and love mercy. With this Guadalupana spirituality, families in poverty will have the strength to overcome obstacles and thrive.

Overall, Herencia Guadalupana sets your child on a path of educational excellence and the personal strength to become a future servant leader.

Herencia Guadalupana Goals

Grow: To institute viable organization for posterity to perpetuate a social Justice educational model for vulnerable children in poverty

Dissemination: To share our model, research and concepts our across the nation to focus on social/emotional areas as foundational to excellence in learning for children in poverty

Advocacy: To join with likeminded people to build coalitions to influence, policy, funding, legislation, and awareness of the need for a change in the education of vulnerable and poor children in our country.

Our Vision

Secure Economic and Social Prosperity: One Preschooler at a Time

Our Philosophy

We believe all children in poverty have gifts to change the world.

Our Values

Justice, Mercy, and Dignity

Our Mission

We exist to permeate Guadalupana Social Justice Model in the early learning field so that children in poverty reach their human potential.


Nurture Brilliant Thinkers, Global Leaders, and Caring Citizens

Benefits for Your Child

  • All strategies stem from Best Practices and Research

  • 75% of learning is from exploring, experimenting, planning, and interacting.

  • Children are constantly talking, questioning, and problem solving.

  • Leadership, group work, negotiating, explaining, and listening are paramount.

  • compassion, cooperation and empathy.

  • The executive functions of resilience, perseverance, goal-focus and self-regulation are internalized by children.